There is always risk involved when purchasing rookie cards. Some increase in value, while others do not. The following five hot baseball rookies all have baseball card issues that should increase in value soon. Some of their cards are already beginning to skyrocket, so if you wish to invest in their cards, now is the time to do so.
Bryce Harper
Bryce Harper was drafted in the number one slot during the 2010 MLB draft, so you likely already know his name. He already as ninety-six different card issues, including several autograph and memorabilia issues. Topps, in particular, Bowman, is all over this guy, and you should be as well.
Mike Trout
The second guy to go in the 2010 MLB draft was Mike Trout. Currently, he is playing AA ball in Arkansas, and putting up excellent numbers. Look for the Angels to call him up very soon, and once that happens, he card values may increase. There are 170 cards featuring him thus far, including over a hundred autograph issues. All of his baseball card issues are currently affordable, but expect that to change.
Mike Moustakas
The Royals have already made the call, and Mike Moustakas is the only player on this list that is already playing in the majors. While his numbers are not gaudy, they are solid, and there is definitely a potential upside to collecting his baseball cards while they are still affordable. There are 277 issues to choose from at the time of this writing. If there is a downside to collecting his cards, it is that historically, Royals rookies have not always lived up to the hype.
Jesus Montero
Jesus Montero is currently playing for the New York Yankees AAA Scranton minor league team. Based on his numbers, an argument could definitely be made that it is time to call him up. However, the Yankees do not have a open spot for him at this time. The time to buy his cards is now, before room is made for him. One thing all card collector's realize it that Yankee rookies typically cost more than the rookie cards of any other team. Jesus already has 284 different cards to his name, so finding a card to start your collection will be easy.
Dustin Ackley
The Mariners have Dustin Ackley playing for their AAA Tacoma team for the time being. Many do not realize it, but he was the #2 pick in the 2009 MLB draft. With Stephen Strasburg being the #1 pick, poor Dustin did not receive all of the attention he deserved. Dustin likely will not be a home run monster, but he could very well be the franchise player of the Mariner's in the not so distant future. There are 264 Dustin Ackley cards at this time of which surprisingly, none are memorabilia cards.
All five of these rookies show great promise. However, those in the card world know that collecting rookies is always like playing a game of chance. Some hit it big, others fizzle out, but one thing is certain, trying to predict the next mega-star in the baseball card world is certainly a lot of fun.